This summer marked the beginning of our kids finally enjoying their time together! They will finally go off and play together for a bit and it is so wonderful! It doesn't last long, maybe a half an hour if we're lucky, but progress is progress! Oh how we love these two!
This was the first swim of the summer. They absolutely loved the pool this year!
I'm so glad they're becoming friends!
When I knew the days we'd be in St. George I called the office and made them agree to take the carpet out of our kitchen and put in linoleum. I'd been asking for months and this time I didn't let them rest until they said yes. We have been so happy with it! It makes a huge difference!
July was a good month. July 4th we spent with my brothers family and my parents. It was a delicious BBQ followed by a really fun firework show!
Our sweet patriotic kiddos! My sister in law Jen made Lucy's dress and it was perfect! She looked adorable!

Taking Miss Lucy for a ride
We got to go to Liberty Park and Wheeler Farm again this year and the kids had so much fun! Who needs a double stroller??
They are so sweet.
August was filled with lots of baking (which is weird for me in the summer!) and lots of walks! We got to explore a lot areas that are right around us. We really love where we live!
The kids love the beaters!
Blair was able to get tickets to a Monster Truck show out at Rocky Mountain Raceway so he and Gavin, my brother and his little boy, and Blair's friend and his little girl all got to go! They all had so much fun and Gavin has been talking about Monster Trucks ever since then. His favorite truck was called Double Trouble! I'm so glad they got to experience that!
We did a lot of bowling too. Blair had his highest scoring game yet!
Just chilling. Watching a show. Being cute!
It was a nice summer and we were sad to see it go! Blair started school at the end of August and Gavin started Preschool at the beginning of September, and then the days really started to fly!