Monday, June 8, 2015

Gavin Update

On May 15, 2015 our handsome Gavin turned 4!
Gavin decided on bowling for his birthday this year and it turned out to be such a fun party! We found a bowling alley that had $1 games and $1 shoe rental - wow! Gavin asked for his "friends and cousins to go bowling" and I think he had a blast!
His smiles were either the biggest cheese ever or... a little creepy. Good thing he is adorable!
Oh these boys. I just love them! Gavin is one lucky boy to have so many cousins who are friends.
After bowling we went to lunch - Gavin chose Arby's :-) It was such a fun afternoon! When we got home both kids were immediately asleep. After naps we got ready to continue the celebration with Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunt Joy and Uncle Kyle. Of course presents came first! He got a new Lego set, bath markers, a new ball, some $$, and his most favorite present...
A clock for his room!
Talk about a happy, lucky boy! He was so excited! After we opened it we asked him if he was ready for cake. His reply? " I think I'll just watch my clock." 
We did convince him that cake is a good thing and he got to blow out his candles. He did great! It was such a fun day! We can't believe our sweetest boy is 4 years old. How does it happen??
Gavin amazes us daily. He is reading like a champ. If he has time he looks at and sounds out every sign we pass. If there isn't time then he'll spell out the words to ask us what they say. He soaks up every bit of information we give him. He absolutely loves to learn. About anything. Gavin's new obsession has been numbers. He loves to know what time it is and how many days or minutes it is until a certain activity or time. He has to know and he will count down until it comes. A while ago he asked how many days it was until my birthday. I figured it out and told him it was 106 days. He kept track and told me every day for a week how many days until my birthday! When he got to 99 we decided it was time to count down to something that was closer :-) His fascination with clocks is something we can't really explain. He was sitting on the floor in the kitchen tracking the time between the oven and the microwave. "Mommy it's 12:01 12:01 12:01 and now it's 12:02 12:02 12:02!" I asked him if he'd like to watch a show while a took a shower and he said no. When I finished the first thing I heard is "12:31 12:31 12:31." Haha! Oh this boy. He also is loving his calculator right now and will often fall asleep with it. I've tried to get pictures but I swear, he senses it and the moment is gone! He will punch whatever time it is into his calculator and keep track that way. It is... simply hard to explain. But we love it. We love him and we love that he loves this! It honestly will entertain him for hours! His mind is amazing. He loves to play with his bath letters and numbers and he does it all the time. I came in and found this the other day -
He always finds a way to make any number and he does the same thing with words. He'll substitute the 5 for an S or the 3 for the E. He always makes it work. He has gotten really mischievous with his bath markers. We've told him several times that they're only for bath time. The other night (when he's supposed to be sleeping) he sneaks into the bathroom and an hour later this is what we found -
I guess the temptation to use those markers it waaay to strong! And it's even hard to be upset with him. His disobedience is so educational! 
Gavin has been talking about becoming a basketball player when he's 4 for months and now that he's 4, he really does love it! And he's actually pretty good! He will stay outside and shoot hoops with anyone for as long as we let him. He's also loving Hot Shot basketball at Grandma and Grandpa Gibb's!
Gavin loves to be outside! He loves to climb up on, jump off of, climb into, and go down anything! He's becoming a little bit of a daredevil and that makes me nervous, but I do love to see him exploring and learning!
 He thought he was so sneaky. I called to see where he was and he tried to hide his laughter. So cute!
He was so proud!

Some days we must build forts. He played in here for so long!
Gavin is so helpful with our Lucy. He is always jumping up to do something for her before we even ask. He is always listening to hear if she's awake and will almost always go in to talk to her and play with her before we get her. We hear him go in and he almost always says "don't worry Lu, I'm coming!". He is the most amazing big brother. He loves his Lu! 
Gavin loves primary! He always has so much to tell us and he really loves singing time. He sings all the time now! He'll do the tune to several songs but always replaces the words with numbers. It is so cute. He looks forward to scriptures every night and he reads them so well. It is very rare that he misses a word! His prayers are so sweet. He prays for all of us, most especially Lucy. It is such a testimony to us to hear him pray. I truly believe that he can feel the spirit when he prays. 
Gavin will be starting preschool this year and it just pulls at my heart that he is going. He is growing so fast and we still can't believe that he isn't our sweet, chubby, bald baby boy anymore. He has become so much more independent. He can buckle his own car seat now which is wonderful! He puts his own shoes on and he can get dressed all by himself. It's awesome! We love our sweet boy so much. We're so grateful that he's ours!

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