Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lucy Noelle Gibb

On February 21st, 2014 at 5:06 pm our beautiful little Lucy Noelle arrived! 

We are so thrilled to have her here! It wasn't exactly how we had planned to get her here, but we are so grateful that it worked out the way it did. On Wednesday the 19th I had my weekly doctors appointment. Everything was looking great, she was head down and I was dilated to almost a 4. Dr. Lloyd then told us that he was going out of town on that Saturday and would be gone for a full week. I was a little panicky because he's the only doctor we had seen and I really really wanted him to deliver her. He told us that if I went into labor anytime between then and Friday that he would for sure be here to deliver, otherwise it would be the doctor on call. Or, we could schedule for me to be induced on Friday. If our doctor hadn't have been leaving town I would have never chosen to be induced, but things changed. We set it up and they told us we would get a call around 5 on Thursday evening to tell us when we should come in Friday morning. I was so nervous! And then of course the call didn't come until 6:30. We were told again that we would be called between 6am and 10am the next morning to tell us when to come in, but, that if we didn't hear by 10 that we could call. We of course didn't hear and so we called. We were told to call back at 11. We called back and they so sweetly put me on hold - for 40 minutes. I was weeping by that time. I was so stressed out. There was no guarantee they could get us in and only here would there be people waiting in line to have babies. When she finally got back on the phone she told us that one of the other doctors had pushed a patient back to make room for me since my doctor would be leaving (SO nice!) and she asked how soon we could be there. So finally, finally we were on our way. 
We checked in and waited a few minutes for our room to be ready, and then the most miserable part of having a baby began. The needles. I hate IV's. And it's not because I have bad veins, I've been complimented on how fabulous my veins are countless times! It's the whole idea of an IV that I don't like. And it hurts. It took the nurse forever to get it in too and she said it's because even with good veins she often times makes them roll. What the heck? Don't tell me that. Anyway. Here we are, at least Blair looks really good!

I was really nervous about the epidural too because of the experience I'd had with Gavin. This guy did such a great job though. The whole thing took maybe 10 minutes and they let Blair hold my hand, I was so grateful! 
The doctor broke my water, that was weird, and then they started me on the lowest level of pitocin to get the contractions going. After a while they upped it just a little and I once again started to feel more than I wanted because I was dilating really fast, and I ended up needing another dose of the epidural medicine. Very shortly after that I was a 10 and ready to push. I started pushing at 4:55 and at 5:06 we saw our baby girl. It was incredible. Blair and I both immediately thought that except for all the hair and her skin color, she looked exactly like Gavin! We could not believe that she had hair! Blair cut the cord and they gave her right to me. I was so completely overcome. She was perfect.
8 lbs 8 oz (they round up) and 20 inches long

The time we spent in the delivery room after she came was a little rushed. I was freezing and shaking and so she was cold too, I just couldn't warm her up because I couldn't warm myself up. That was frustrating. When we finally got up into our room though things calmed down and we really got to see her and start getting to know her. We are so in love with her! We love the perfectly round little face and the extremely kissable cheeks. Her little lips are almost always puckered and her sleepy smiles are unbelievably adorable. That evening we got to see my parents and sister and Blair's mom brought Gavin up. 
Holding her for the first time, we love these two so much!

Happy Grandmas! And silly Gavin :-)

Grandma and Grandpa Black

On Saturday we had dozens of visitors, we were really feeling so loved! It was so so sweet of everyone to come and we hope you know how much we appreciate it!
Uncle Kyle

Aunt Joy

This was Sunday right before we went home, I may be a bit biased but I think we have the most handsome little boy around! And the most beautiful girl too :-)

She is soooo tiny in her carseat! I can't believe how little babies are, it is amazing!

Grandma and Grandpa Gibb

Having her home has been a really hard adjustment, especially for Gavin. He's doing much better now but the first week was really very hard on him. We had them in the same room but decided to take her out. He wanted her out and would say it often. It's hard to think that we just "gave in" to him, but he desperately needed some normalcy back in his life and having his room back has helped immensely. They'll share it someday, but not today. Gavin is anxious to help, thank goodness. He throws away her "teeny dahpahs" and will put the pacifier in when needed, or shove it in, either way. He loves to bring her toys too.
"She needs her cat mom, I get it."

And give her kisses
"I kiss her nose mom!"

Check out the difference of skin color here, it makes us laugh!

In the last two days he has especially made some improvements. He's woken up from his nap just as I finish feeding her and both times he's climbed up on my lap and said hi to her. He then points our her "teeny eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers and toes." 
"She's a teeny baby mom and I a big boy!" 
We both laugh at her grunts and noises and the faces that she makes. It is so precious, I love it so much. I love having them both so near and knowing that I can be with them and enjoy this time. It's hard knowing that Gavin is struggling. It's hard to show him constantly how much we love him and need him. But it is getting better. We love our babies so much!


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
