Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gavin Quotes

March Quotes:
"F B I spells Gavin loves mommy!"

Blair is in our room and I'm in the living room, Gavin is running back and forth between us.
"Hi Dad! I go check on mommy. I be back in 1 minute, actually, 1 day."
"Hi mommy! I go check on daddy. I be back in 10 minutes, actually, 102 minutes."

Blair - "Hi there Lucy Bean."
Gavin shouts from the other room - "Dad, Lucy's not a bean, she's a egg! Actually, she's a treat!"

Me - "Hold your horses Gavin."
Gavin - "I don't have horses. I hold my monkeys."

Lucy and Gavin were on my lap - 
Gavin - "Lucy is funny looking."
Me (laughing) - "Why do you say that Gavin?"
Gavin - "Hmmm..She has a red nose and she's trying to poop again."

Me - "Hi little Miss Lucy."
Gavin - "Mom, Lucy is not a Miss, she is a egg. I a goat and you ah a zebra."
Me - "What is daddy?"
Gavin - "Daddy is a hippo!"

April Quotes:
Walking into the automatic door at the store - 
"Thank you door!"

Blair - "Gavin can you say hi to Lucy?
Gavin - "Lucy makes noise."
Blair - "But can you say hi to Lucy?"
Gavin - "Lucy makes noise."
Blair - "Can you please say hi to Lucy?"
Gavin - "Hi Lucy, you make noise."

To the guy sitting on the bench eating some ice cream - 
"Hi! Can I have a bite?" 
No response.
"May I have a bite please?"
We did talk to him about talking to and asking strangers for things, but isn't he so polite??


The South Dakota Snow's said...

My morning giggle! Thanks for posting!

Ben and Summer said...

Ok that is hilarious! Especially that last one! So cute, I'm so glad you're recording these!!


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
