Friday, May 30, 2014

Gavin's 3rd Birthday!

Guess who's 3??
I cannot believe that this handsome, charming, smart, adorable little boy came into our lives 3 whole years ago. He is loved more than he could ever imagine! On the morning of his 3rd birthday he came into our room and climbed into bed -
Blair: "Gavin, do you know that today is your birthday? You are not 2 anymore, you are 3!"
Gavin (so completely giddy!) shouts: "I am NOT one hundred. I am 3!!
We had such a great day with him. He loves to help me bake and was thrilled that he got to help me make a cake. He is so helpful, mixing it all up! 
As much as he loves to make cake, his real love is frosting. He is so excited when we get to make frosting and tells me many times 
"I taste it when it's done mom. I make sure it's good!"
Thank you sweetheart for volunteering! 
He got a chocolate cake with cookies and cream frosting, here is the finished product - 
Don't let the completely bored "I'm ready for presents" face fool you, he really did enjoy it. He's just a stinker sometimes when it comes to taking pictures!
He really was anxious for presents though
Now there's a happy birthday boy!
He was so very excited to have his Grandmas and Grandpas come over for a our little party. Thank you all so much for the gifts, he loves them! 
We had such a great day. We love Gavin so much! 
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!



Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
